Suicide Prevention: Every Connection Counts
In The News
Higher Education Suicide Prevention Conference set for Sept. 8 at TROY’s Montgomery Campus
WSFA: Statewide Suicide Prevention Conference Held in Montgomery
1C: Closer than a Brother: The Power of an Ally
2B: Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention
3A: Postvention is Prevention: The Uniqueness of Facilitating a Suicide Loss Survivor Group
3B: A More Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention on College Campuses
3C: Suicide Prevention & Human Trafficking on College Campuses: Connections Matter
4A: The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow: Finding Hope in Hopelessness
5A: Spread the word and train us all: How higher education staff/faculty, stakeholders, and
students can collaboratively implement suicide prevention campus-wide
5C: Student Tide Against Suicide (STAS): A Case Study of a Student Advisory Board